Crash Test Vegetarian

Vegan to Omnivore outreach program


Cilantro, bell peppers and corn make this salad cool and refreshing while the lime and vinegar give it a little tang.*******

Canned black beans make this Panera copy-cat recipe quick and easy.   Cumin and lemon make it tasty!*******

Isa’s chickpea cutlets will blow you away.  They’re perfect for hand-helds, or as entrees.   All hail the Veganomicon!********

French lentils take a dip with leeks, thyme and cumin in this hearty lentil soup.  This soup ranks #4 on my (omnivore) husband’s favorite soup list.********Italian Vegetable soup vegan

Vegetable broth and tomatoes are the base for this standard Italian Vegetable Soup.  Use whatever veggies you have on hand and use this for your guideline on when to add them.********

This soup is a snap to prep, and is full of flavor.  This ranks #3 on my (omnivore) husband’s favorite soup list.*******

This is my omnivore husband’s favorite soup.  It’s easy, comforting and delicious.


Tossed in smoked paprika and balsamic vinegar, this butternut squash is then roasted to a golden goodness.********

Comfort food awesomeness.********

This recipe is dangerous for me.  I load it up with veggies and every single time I make it, I want to eat ALL of it.  It’s cream-of-mushroom casserole with a twist.  It’s vegan and has a dash of curry for flavor.********

My favorite dressing!  I make salads just to pour this stuff on it.******

A staple in any vegan or vegetarian kitchen – cumin, thyme and soy sauce pack a flavorful punch in this quick and easy recipe.********

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