Crash Test Vegetarian

Vegan to Omnivore outreach program

Looks like I skipped the pregnant part of barefoot in the kitchen…

on October 12, 2011

It’s been almost 1 month since my last post.  Lots of things have changed in our life as we try to get settled into our new home.

Soon things will settle down a little more and I will start posting now, but today I wanted to post in celebration of an amazing event in our lives.

He’s been with us for a while, but today we made it official.  We have custody of him while the court works things out for us to start the adoption process.    

Meet our son :


I can’t help but wonder if I will ever get used to that.

While we’re not raising him vegan or vegetarian for a number of reasons, many of them legal, but we have agreed to raise him with a diet halfway between our two.  He will be raised on all the yummy vegan foods that I cook, along with his dairy formula and yogurt, but will enjoy vegan cheese and milk products as he gets older, along with Tofurkey for Thanksgivings so as he gets older, he will be accustomed to plant based products rather than animal based ones.  But, in exchange, the husband (father??) figure reserves the right to let him taste his cheeseburger.

6 responses to “Looks like I skipped the pregnant part of barefoot in the kitchen…

  1. the RA Vegan says:

    Oh WOW!!! Such a beautiful child; He has the look of an old soul. So excited for you!!!

    • Izzy says:

      Thank you so much. And to be perfectly honest, I really think he does. I cant tell you how many times we have caught him quietly staring and taking things in. He’s no ordinary little man. He either went through way too much horror in his first 6 months, or has had a lot of experiences in past lives. I would like to think its the latter…

  2. Debbie says:

    I have been wondering how you are doing. The last post I read your life seemed very, very full and filled with change. Great to hear that things are going well. And congratulations! How do you like having the title of mom? Kinda cool isn’t it?

    All the best to you and your family 🙂

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